© 2015 The Society of Eastbourne Artists  |  Privacy policy

Head of Exhibitions - Janet Collings

I moved to Eastbourne in 2020 and decided to retire. Previously I was an Adminstrator, so have organisational qualities which I hope will help in the role of Exhibition Secretary.
 I started painting in 2021 at a local art class and had no previous experience or training but enjoy learning and experimenting. I love to paint from the heart and have found my favourite topic is buildings and places,mainly in watercolour and recently in Acrylic. I joined SEA in 2022 as I enjoy meeting new people and attending demonstrations which gives me new ideas. I have been successful in selling my artwork privately and through the Exhibitions.



Website and Social Media Manager: Annalynn Cooke 

Annalynn joined the SEA in 2024 and now manages the website and social media for the society. After earning a BA in Fine Art from Kingston University, London, she now lives and works in Eastbourne as an artist and is an Associate Artist at the Devonshire Collective Gallery (Eastbourne). She is a painter, mixed media artist and storyteller whose practice is inspired by her interests in botany, astronomy and anthropology. 

The Society of Eastbourne Artists has a dedicated Committee of long standing Members who volunteer  to run the Society.   

We are a friendly team who have a clear vision of the future direction of the Society and how we can best serve our Members. If you would be interested in standing for the committee and helping the work of the Society, please contact Sylvia Huggair

Events Organiser: ​Jackie Steggall

Jackie has been a member of SEA since 2021 just a few months after first using a paint brush since school days so no formal art training but found the monthly demos by professional artists invaluable. After each monthly meeting she would have a go at painting a picture in what ever medium was demonstrated also attending occasional one day workshops. Now enjoys experimental art work in varied mediums and has won several Highly Commended certificates at SEA exhibitions.

Jackie was membership secretary for several years but needed to step down from that 3 years ago but is now looking forward to being back on the committee again to help as needed.

Treasurer: Fari Smith

Fari has been a member of the SEA since 2016 and became the treasurer in 2021 using her experience as a former civil servant. 

She was born in Iran where she initially learnt painting from a private tutor. Whilst at school, she once won a national prize in a painting competition. As a member of the SEA she has won the Eastbourne Herald trophy in 2020 and the President's Memorial trophy in 2023. She loves colour and particularly enjoys painting Sussex scenes. 

Membership Secretary - Jean Mockford

Jean has been a member of the SEA for over fourteen years and has served on the committee for ten years. She is a watercolourist but also likes to use Pastel and other media, sometimes experimenting with new media such as Brusho to find new effects.

Jean is membership secretary and spent some years organising the twice yearly exhibitions, now younger members of the committee look after this important and exacting task.

​​​​​Chairperson:Sylvia Huggair
​Sylvia was elected as the new Chairperson of the Society of Eastbourne Artists at the AGM on March 14 2024. She is involved in all aspects of the day to day running of the SEA. She liaises closely with other Committee members and many local organisations  to ensure we provide the best possible source of information and service to our members.

Prior to her election to the post of Chairperson, Sylvia was the Society's Secretary for many years where her great organisational skills and knowledge of relevant current legislation contributed to the successful running of the Society.

She is a semi-professional artist who has studied portraiture and likes to use a variety of mediums in her art. Currently concentrating on pastel work, Sylvia holds demonstrations for the SEA and other local art groups. 

Since joining in 2006, Sylvia has been a committed and valued member of the Society.